Oct 2, 2023

Take The First Step

Terry Danylak Product Development 1 minute

Inspired by Noah Kagan.

I wish I knew this life hack sooner…

The One Small Thing method:

Give me 2 minutes, and I’ll show you how to 100x your productivity.

There are days when I just don’t want to do anything. I’m tired or not in the mood.

But I have a ton to do.

I used to push the work till tomorrow.

I’d say, tomorrow, I’ll write 1,500 words instead of 1,000.


I’ll work on the visuals for my guide on the weekend.

This mentality is often a trap. One day like this turns into two, then three, then a week, then a month.

And then you haven’t done anything, and the feeling of despair starts to creep in.

So, instead, I have this one mental model that I have trained to kick if I am not feeling up to it.

I say to myself, “What’s the one small thing I could do right now to move my goal forward?”

Usually, I come up with one small thing. It’s almost insignificant.

It could be writing one comment on LinkedIn or writing one example for the guide.

I do it. And then I do another. And another. And another.

Soon, I’ve spent an hour making progress.

This one little mental model has helped me make tremendous progress.

It will 100x your productivity.

I guarantee it or your money back.

So…. What’s the one small thing you could do right now to make progress toward your goal?